Jobo1163’s Weblog

Jobo1163’s Blog Of Blogs

Seems lots of folks have been doing internet searches on Guardian Ad Litem in Guilford County North Carolina

I have lots to say about that…I have already written all this somewhere…but in the interest of preservation and easy locating I am going to copy it all in this blog

Be sure to look to the left for any links I may have added

Most of this is my responses to letters to the Editor-Greensboro News & Record-Greensboro North Carolina about the injustices and judicial corruption that I believe exists in Guilford County North Carolina Courts

We’ve heard of Water-Gate, now we’re hearing about Trooper-Gate….

mmmm..what name should this possible gate be given? 

Is there a Railroading-Gate in Guilford County North Carolina? 

Reading and hearing about Sarah Palin’s alleged role in bending the ears of those who were in a position to make things  better for her and those she wanted “looked after” has cemented my belief that something was seriously amiss in our child custody case in Guilford County North Carolina.

For the first time I will ask straight up..

Did Deputy Attorney General Gerald Robbins bend the ears of those in Judicial power at Guilford County Courthouse and is that why the most unheard of things went on in this case?

I want a federal investigation to answer this question.

that story will be added to this blog…at the beginning, as soon as I  have time

Right Now the focus seems to on Guardian Ad Litems (GALs ) child advocates) in Guilford County North Carolina so I will start at the latter part of this blog . Today is September 4, 2008

In response to Janet Ward Black’s letter to the editor, December 11, 2007 , I replied…

jobo1163 [TypeKey Profile Page] said:

Well…. a commendation from the resident of the NC Bar should reassure us all…
I thought the only letters they wrote went something like this …
“this “legal professional” has not violated the rules of professional conduct to the extent that they should be disciplined.”
I’ve been waiting for this door to open and Janet Ward Black just opened it..thank-you maam!

Below are excerpts from an article I that time I did not name names. I was scared to. Well I’m not scared anymore Guilford County has hurt our family about all they can. So here ya go…

The Judges are Judge Joe Turner and Judge Teresa Vincent
Attorney Kathryn S Lindley as Guardian Ad Litem (GAL )
Attorney T. Keith Black
Attorney Cindy Hatfield

The article below is from my experiences and reflects what my family encountered during our Child Custody Battle, for obvious reasons I will state that the comments below reflect my opinion, but I feel they are well founded.

From these experiences I have also concluded, that no amount of preparation, will prepare you for a Child Custody Battle in Guilford County NC
If you can avoid it, work it out, then do so, because what lies ahead may be worse than your worst nightmare…

Beware The Court Appointed Attorney Acting As Guardian Ad Litem

Beware Becoming Set Up In the Parental Alienation Syndrome Class
(it’s the card that’ll make you or destroy you if the other side can pull it off and in my opinion the judges have seen it so much, it is pretty much a given, whether it ever happened or not)
Be Aware That You Are Already Considered An Idiot That Is So Overwhelmed With
Bitterness And Animosity Over Whatever Happened Between You And Yours, That You Are Automatically Assumed To Be So Petty And Simple Minded That You Are Already
Condemned Guilty Of Playing Harmful Mind Games With Those Children Who You Love More Than Life.

Be Aware That The Courts And The Attorneys Associated With Family Court
Think They Have Seen It All And You Have Already Been Categorized Before
You Ever Took The Stand. You Are A Statistic And Part Of The General Consensus.

Be Aware That Family Court Judges Do Not Have To Follow The Law or honor your Civil Rights
(they may be supposed to, but what are you going to do if they don’t?)
(easier said than done, I can assure you.)

Never Let The Words BiPolar Be Associated With Any Member Of Your Family

My daughter was not in my opinion BiPolar, my daughter was a child -grown woman-who was overwhelmed with grief at being abandoned by her father that she just could not overcome it. It became her obsession, her passion, it consumed her. It has now destroyed her.

Judge Joe Turner found her guilty of playing her parents against each other. Betcha didn’t know that’s grounds for losing your kids to the father who abandoned you as a child and left you emotionally scarred for life.  (check it out…watch the slideshow and hold your mouse over the pictures)

Judge Joe Turner found me guilty of failing to recognize the need for the children to have a relationship with their biological grandfather. The oldest child was 10 years old, I had not seen the biological grandfather for 16 years and then only briefly. We parted 30 years ago. The judge assumed me guilty of parental alienation syndrome because this man did not have a relationship with his grandchildren. Hello.

My experience with this GAL-attorney  (Kathryn S Lindley) has left me paralyzed with a fear of our Judicial system beyond my wildest imaginations. The discovery that this person also holds a position on the board of directors for a local Mental Health Center sends shivers up my spine and compels me to warn anyone who might seek help there. That this person is also considered to be qualified to be a Child Advocate has probably already caused me to have a few mild heart attacks.”

(since the original writing I do believe I read somewhere that Attorney Kathryn Lindley has resigned her position with the Guilford Mental Health Center…)  can’t help wondering what brought that about…

this is what I have concluded, from the response to my complaints to the boards who review complaints of this type

it’s OK for Judges to say “You women just can’t…”

It’s OK to discuss the “BiPolar” issues..just not in the courtroom, that is done in the Judge’s chambers. That way, they don’t violate your civil rights.

Prejudice against the emotionally challenged is acceptable -a Judge can kill an emotionally challenged with one statement -and that’s OK-Judge Teresa Vincent may as well have put a gun to this emotionally challenged mom’s head and pulled the trigger “You will never have your children again.”

It’s OK to smell children buttocks, rip the shower curtain back while they are bathing, fondle their testicles in the presence of two women (one age 18) as long as you stop when the Judge puts it in the court order and if you don’t have the money to pay your attorney fees, that’s OK too, because the judge will order the grandma who brought this matter up and embarrassed the court to pay them (Judge Teresa Vincent in this case)

It’s OK to hide out for 16 years and avoid you own child support, collect 6 DWIs, and a criminal record, tie your wife up with a chain and drag her down the driveway while her children watch and threaten to kill them if they try to run for help, if you wait 10 years after the last DWI the court will administratively dismiss that outstanding child support warrant and take those grandkids you’ve never had a thing to do with and give them to you. (Judge Joe Turner in this case)

It’s OK if your very twisted wife, (who was abandoned by her own parents and left to be raised in foster homes) it’s OK if she gets upset sometimes and beats the children with her fists, or shocks them with a dog collar or beats them with the dog collar antenna until it breaks into. You can’t hold against a person those occasional little losses of self- control, especially when she is married to a known batterer. She must unleash all her pent up anguish somewhere and those kids, those kids, that the court just gave them, that are costing them so much money that now she can’t get her teeth fixed and must compress her lips and try to speak so you don’t notice all the decay, those kids are the perfect target. (When the children are a bit older and able to leave, YOU WILL HAVE HER NAME and where she resides) along with the name of her grown daughter who watched this and did nothing to help these boys)

Its OK for your attorney to tell you before court that you have already been railroaded, then refuse to explain that, sending you into court so shook up you can’t even think straight.

Its OK for lawyers to fail to write court orders until 3 years later or not even to write them all, making things appear different than they are

It’s OK for lawyers to lie to their clients, to tell them they are not allowed to appeal and cost them their chance of doing so

It’s OK for attorneys acting as Guardian Ad Litems (GALS ) to lie thru their teeth, conspire and show outright prejudice for the emotionally challenged, even when they are on the board of directors for the local mental health center. It’s OK for them to take on a mantle of second defense council for one party, rather than being the independent unbiased liaison for the children that they were appointed to be.

It’s OK for the attorney writing the court order to put “the parties agree” when no-one has agreed to anything

It’s OK for one attorney to forge another attorney’s name on a continuance agreement document, even if he gets the wrong attorney down there, just so that space is not left blank

Its OK that one child just suffered one beating with a belt because he only made A/B honor roll instead of straight As. Its OK that he doesn’t talk much anymore, that he stays doubled over with stomach pain and vomits far too frequently

Posted on December 11, 2007 11:21 PM

jobo1163 [TypeKey Profile Page] said:

rb2dye sounds to me like a mother who will never give up fighting for her child that she considers to be in harms way. you go girl!

I can’t imagine people so cold and unfeeling as to attack this woman for her very passionate writings.

The story leaves no doubt to the reader that this woman has been thru terrible tragedy and fears for her child to this day.

If I could not comprehend it, I would just keep on moving on, instead of stopping to put a few more slugs in this already very distraught mother.

I believe everything she says because , yes I have been there in the Guilford County Child Custody Court

And 22 years from now, I too, like rb2dye will still be plugging away at the injustice there.

There will be no rest until those children are back safe and sound at home like they were before the Guilford Judicial System started playing games with their lives

Try to find an attorney outside of Guilford County to represent you there. Tell them money is no object, you’ll pay anything.

You will probably walk away without an attorney.

Because and I semi quote “they will help you with any other matter but they will not go into Guilford County Domestic Court because of the way they do things there.

Wonder why that is? Shouldn’t all the courts be following the same program?

They enter exparte orders against you, and refuse to allow you a 10 day hearing.
They play you like a violin, until they destroy you both emotionally and financially.

And every appeal for help (in my case) rendered punishment after punishment

I can show you court documents with forged signatures, documents in the file with no stamp on them, straight up lies in court documents signed as truth by an attorney

None of that matters.

My grandsons are now 14 and 15. They have been forced to live with alcoholics they barely knew because of Judge Joe Turner’s assumptions and personal prejudices.

They await the day they can come home. They have asked the court and it’s officers to let them come home.

They have been beaten , they have been sexually abused, they are made to fetch the alcohol and pour it , it makes me sick.

But I have been warned by Judge Teresa Vincent that if I open my mouth again, I will not be allowed to see the children again and neither will their mother.

I am blamed for their discontent.

Judge Teresa has fined me nearly $3,000 for bringing these matters to the court’s attention.

Judge Teresa Vincent even had these boys picked up from school and brought in and they told her these things, she ordered it stopped. It is in writing in a court order and then made me pay their attorney fees. She did not even tell me why. She just put it in the court order.

When Attorney Keith Black jumped up and said I had brainwashed the boys. Judge Teresa Vincent said she knew how to question children and that was not the case. Yet she fined me for “undermining the court”

My husband is former Deputy US Marshall. He guarded Judge Sirika during the Watergate trials. His recently deceased father was a DC police officer who was in Kennedy’s funeral procession. His cousin is a Brigadeer General.
His brother is retired air force.
My brother-in-law is a Christian music writer and singer

My husband’s family are the epitomy of fine examples that these boys were being exposed to . Yet Judge Joe Turner said “You women just can’t give little boys what they need”

Forgetting the insult to women in general,
what about all these fine upstanding men in our family?

This is how our family is treated after all this service to their country?

It is a money making racket, it is a national epidemic

here read it from the pros…


“United for Justice was formed in the realization that some mothers who lose their children in family law courts do so as the result of fraud – where bribes and favors have been exchanged. For these protective parents no price is too great to pay for their children’s safety. The result of that is almost always dire financial circumstances during prolonged custody litigation – which has in many cases already been irreversibly pre-determined. The protective parent is locked into poverty as life savings of even extended family is depleted. This impoverishment born of fraud must cease.”


“To raise the consciousness of our society about the failure of our governmental agencies to protect victims of child abuse, to provide legal advocacy for abused children and to develop and implement collaborative solutions to enhance the quality of life for these children.”


“Since batterers know that nothing will devastate the victim more than seeing her children endangered, they frequently use the threat of obtaining custody to exact agreements to their liking. Custody litigation becomes yet another weapon for the abuser, heightening his power and control tactics to further terrify the victim”                                                                                            Posted on July 30, 2008 10:12 PM

jobo1163 [TypeKey Profile Page] said:

Mr. Tote,
I applaud your sentiment. I long to be a mental health advocate. i wish had the resources to do something to help these folks.

Somehow, someway, we must have officials in position that make these decisions be educated
in the mental health field. (or at least knowledgeable and understanding.)

We must have separate courts for those with mental health issues.

We must stop Judges from acting on their very own prejudices in these cases.

I feel very strongly that someone needs to take a look at medications paid for by medicaid and for what illnesses they are being dispensed for.

I think a lot of our mental health issues lie with improper and overmedication. I don’t know what the answer is.

I think there is a strong link between the fast flowing Vikodon, hydracdone, Oxycodone, legalized Methadone,and our mental health issues. I almost think if those meds were banned except for major surgerical relief, a lot of our mental heath issues would be appeased.

A lot of stealing would stop. Food Stamps would be used to buy food.

I also think that the Guilford County Judicial system can take a lot of credit for pushing people over the edge .

I will not go into that here.
I am willing to share all that probably should remain personal to let the Guilford County public have a look inside that court system..

you can read the entire story and view the results on these sites if you are interested
this is short term only- .

someone has to stop these Judges..

When you are forced, into Guilford County Court with Judge Joe Turner or Judge Teresa Vincent presiding, if you walk away WITHOUT mental health issues of your own, consider yourself lucky.

If you already have them I recommend you request a change of venue.
“spanking is worse than calling”

The following is a Counterpoint:
By Dan Gerlach

Your recent editorial, “The governor’s budget” (May 15), was disappointing and misguided.

jobo1163 [TypeKey Profile Page] said:

“These arguments reflect a lack of understanding and knowledge of how our state works.”

a bit off the subject, but relevant none the less, since we are discussing children and mental health issues both are who affected by the following…

so, rather than reflect a lack of knowledge and understanding, while we have Mr. Gerlach’s attention, I’d like to ask…

When the State of North Carolina gives one of these under privleged families “aid” (“welfare”)
in the form of an AFDC check (aid for families with dependent children)
and then confiscates any child support monies paid in by an absentee parent….

just say…
if the amount of support paid to the State by the absentee parent exceeds the amount of aid given by the State…what happens to the excess?

ie..simplified example…single Mom gets $200 monthly state check..
absentee Father sends in $800 in child support

what does the State do with the other $600?

jobo1163 [TypeKey Profile Page] said:

one more tidbit…

for clearer understanding and knowledge..

Is the State of North Carolina in compliance with the Federal Laws mandating that child support distribution?

jobo1163 [TypeKey Profile Page] said:

“Third, launch a major effort to bring role models, especially male role models, into the lives of our city’s youths. We try to collect child support from irresponsible dads. Let’s also help those same dads when they are denied access to their sons and let’s encourage dads to want access”

Sounds like Judge Joe Turner’s theory in child custody court,

the keywords are male role models, irresponsible and help those same dads,encourage those dads

hello, do you hear yourself?

you should read my blog, just click my user name….
-the links on the left on imperitive to complete understanding

I’m not black, but I’m sure it’s happened to blacks as well as whites in the “No Civil Rights”
Guilford County Courts

and you tell me, when those two boys grow up and fully understand what happened…well maybe they’ll be OK , cause Grandma is teaching them with every breath..not to hate..and that God is in control…

but if those boys explode..whose fault will it be?

read the blog and answer..whose fault would it be ?

and the Guilford County School system for allowing a predominently black school like Rankin Elementary to be so far behind in their curriculum, that two little boys couldn’t go a few miles away to a better place in the country and hold their own at Level Cross Elementary.

Immediately placed back a year and that’s grounds for losing your kids in Judge Teresa Vincent’s book. That is an indication of unstable family life…

here’s the complete article..

The Courts, the lawyers, it’s all a money making gimmick for them and they could care less what they do these children..they even steal that child support money once they finally catch up with those dads..and let those children be evicted from their homes
the system is as guilty for our wayward youth, black kids lagging behind,
and those angry explosive incidents as anyone else

like the one writer said said to RB2dye- he’d have called on Smith & Wesson if Guilford County had put his child through what she says hers has been through.

One has to have much self restraint, more than a child could have possibly cumed up in so few years

Get rid of all the corrupt NC officials and give a kids a fighting chance

Make Guilford County courts follow the law..not rule by Judge Joe Turner’s personal opinions, bias’ and assumptions- “Litigation from the bench” both presidential candidates promise to stop it

Impeach Michael Easley and recoup that money he just blew by saving that six months of his salary- we wouldn’t miss him..

his wife is making enough money now to take care of both of them-since the State gave her an 80% raise

replace Attorney General Roy Cooper for allowing all this corruption while he was too busy dealing with “bothersome telemarketers”

and Bev Perdue ..what is her stand in all this? where has she been while Richard Moore was supposedly robbing us blind and as Lt. Governor why didn’t she address it then?


Posted on July 14, 2008 10:56 PM